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Why Join?

Join our exclusive community of successful manufacturing professionals and gain access to expert advice, industry insights, and exclusive resources. Whether you're looking to optimise your operations, improve your marketing strategy, collaborate and network with the best in the business, or make new products in the UK, our manufacturing membership has everything you need, reach your goals and grow your business.

Organisations who are part of ConeX are thriving. We're passionate about UKMFG and our mission is to help UK engineering and manufacturing businesses thrive.

Our doors are open to anyone connected to UK manufacturing: freelancers, solo-entrepreneurs, educators, and manufacturers of all sizes. We have every part of the supply chain covered, and together we are making UK manufacturing better. "The ConeX community gets projects off the ground – and completed.​"

Connect with your local supply chain and focus on producing in the uk
Find the answers to your questions with our trusted community
Endless project opportunities to boost your business and ensure you work with the right uk supplier

As a member you will have full access to exclusive content, search our members area, find local companies, and complete your projects with a likeminded group of industry experts...

This is not another directory, trade organisation or social media platform. View our discussion area, post your questions, tell members what you need and receive genuine responses, fast...

Watch out for upcoming opportunities to engage in new projects. Speak with our team as they are always on the look out for new projects to present to our ConeX manufacturing community!

“A great way to connect with designers, manufacturers and like-minded people who share similar goals in the UK. This is not a sales platform for salespeople and thank goodness for this! It’s a platform that focuses us on what is important, Manufacturing in the UK with collaboration! A great space a great idea and great value!”
“A great place to collaborate with like-minded individuals and businesses who are advocates of UK Manufacturing and British Engineering. Not just another directory, but a place where you can seek, source, and find the help and resources you need in securing, delivering, or improving that project.”

“A true collaborative working community and environment. I've already had the pleasure of delivering a lecture to the Ops Management Students of Plymouth Uni through ConeX Portals network and will be delivering more in the future.”


“ConeX is a brilliant, collaborative tool to connect engineering, manufacturing and related businesses in a safe and simple space where ideas, needs and requests can be shared, and promptly replied to, by others within the group.”


“Fantastic place for new and established SMEs in the design and manufacture sectors to discuss projects and setup healthy collaborations. Can't recommend it enough. Thanks to the Conex team for their continuous support.”